Marketing Materials
Ask me about property leasing packages and digital ad experience!
Latitude Realty
These marketing materials were designed as a contract in-house designer for Latitude Realty, as they started their transition from property management into the realty market. Their brand consisted of logo, logo font, colors, and a well designed website with great brand language to describe their voice and feel. They were inspired by PNW lifestyle brands, but still understood the need for a professional look of the real estate industry. I created a visual language as a template for all future marketing campaigns and efforts as a brand.
Check the spot gloss detail on the business cards on my instagram!
AMA Boxset Materials
The recreation of Ankrom Moisan's Market Sector Portfolios was an incredible undertaking, considering that idea was to completely change how our marketing materials were perceived. Moving away from the cutsheet style of the A/E/C industry and trying for a more editorial and coffee table-like book was a hard sell, but ultimately they were impressive and striking, leading to a request for an actual custom, metallic-inked box for the books to be displayed in. The cover concept was a deconstruction of AMA's logo, building a custom look for each market sector book. This set ended up being the starting place for the brand's evolution through proposals and other marketing materials over the next 3 years.
Collaborators: Creative Direction by Sarah Bartlett, Design Team included Jamie Ballestrin, Chris Scott, and Sara Van Dyke